
Thursday, October 11, 2012

General Conference Snack Bowls

Last week was General Conference for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  It is a 2 day broadcast from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM, and from 2:00 PM-4:00 PM each day.  That is a long time to sit and listen for both Princess and Goofy.  I needed something that would keep them engaged.

As I was browsing through Pinterest I found a cute picture of different glass containers filled with candy and on each container was a word to listen for.  Here is the link to find the pin on my Pinterest page because whenever I try to click on the pin it tells me that I'm trying to go to a "suspicious link."

Anyway, here is what I came up with for the Saturday sessions of Conference:

Princess had a blast listening for the words on the bowls.  I also tried to do fairly healthy snacks so she wouldn't go on a sugar rush and then crash.

Half-way in between each session of Conference (during the intermediate hymn) I would have Princess and Goofy act out different church related things (ex: pretend to ride bikes like missionaries, pretend to shake the bishop's hand, etc.).  This helped them get out their energy before the next hour of talks.  Goofy especially loved pretending to be a missionary on a bike.  She ran around the living room screaming with joy.

We also played "Put the Speaker at the Pulpit" and "Conference Bingo."  I took both of these games straight from a Friend magazine.  This helped Princess learn the names of the General Authorities and she loved getting candy whenever she got a Bingo.

If you need ideas for your kids for Sunday, Conference, or family home evening check out the LDS church's site for things in the friend, games and activities, etc.  They have TONS of fun stuff for kids.

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