
Saturday, December 1, 2012

Update #2: 10 Habits to a Well-Run Home

I'm sorry I've been MIA this last little bit.  The week of Thanksgiving is always crazy for me: mom's birthday, my birthday, and two Thanksgiving dinners.  I am not complaining of course.  It's such a fun time!  I love the food, family, and packing on the pounds.

Naturally, it's been so crazy that I haven't been very good about my 2 goals (again).  I did have a nice 3 day streak.  I never imagined it would be so hard to keep up on dishes and laundry.  

This week I have decided to try working on something new.  I will be focusing on habits #1 and #2: wake up early and go to bed early.  If you're like me, going to bed early means getting in bed before midnight.  Anyone else?  I wake up early every day (thanks to my 2 year old), but my goal is to wake up on purpose, not because my daughter is waking me up.

So here's the plan--I will go to bed before midnight every day this next week.  I will wake up at 7:00 AM each day (and go to the gym at least 3 times this week).  Who's with me?  What are some of the habits you need to work on?  Good luck to you all.

View the original post here:
10 Habits to a Well-Run Home Challenge

1 comment:

  1. Oh man I'm kind of jealous! early for me would be before 10, and if I had to wake up intentionally it would have to be before lucky girl. But I'll work on going for a run twice/week instead of once :)
