
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

There is a God FHE Lesson

My hubby and I decided to teach our kids the basic principles of the gospel from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  To do this, we decided to teach our family home evening lessons from the Gospel Principles manual.

The first lesson in the manual is titled "Our Heavenly Father."  I thought that was a perfect place to start.  We talked about the very first section in the chapter -- There is a God.

I found some cute flannel board figures of the creation.  I printed them off and laminated them.

*Please note that my printer ran out of yellow ink, so yours will look even better.  I had to go back through and color yellow and green with crayon.

Next, I added magnets to the back.

Voila!  They worked perfectly.

We started the lesson by telling the kids that we can know that there is a God from all of the things that are around us.  We stressed that He has given us so much.  I pulled out the pictures one at a time and asked the kids what each picture was about.  They put the pictures on a cookie sheet.

Next, we asked the kids to name some things that daddy and mommy had given them.  We then asked them, "Why do you think we gave you those things?"  They came to the conclusion that it's because we love them.  We explained that Heavenly Father is the same way.  He gives us so many wonderful things because He loves us and wants us to be happy.

Finally, we told the kids that we should show our gratitude to God for our blessings, and one way we can do that is by thanking Him when we pray.

It was a simple lesson, but the kids really seemed to grasp the concept.

Chocolate on my Cranium had tons of flannel board stories you can print out and use with your family.  If you need visual aids for your family home evening lesson they are perfect.

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ABC Quiet Book (LDS)
Speaking Kind Words FHE Lesson

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