
Friday, October 10, 2014

Halloween Popsicle Stick Puzzles

Can you tell that Princess was super excited to try out these new Halloween Popsicle stick puzzles?  I made them for one of our 30 Days of Halloween activities.  I never knew how simple Popsicle stick puzzles were to make.  They are also cheap and compact.  Plus your kids will love them (at least mine did).

All you will need are 10 large Popsicle sticks per puzzle, a glue stick, scissors, and one of the 7 templates I created using PicMonkey and free clip art.



Print out the template(s) that you like, (make sure to print them 5 x 7 size), and cut out the picture. Glue a Popsicle stick onto the back side of the template along the edge.  Cut off the excess template as close to the Popsicle stick as you can.  Repeat with all remaining Popsicle sticks.

You will then have a cute little Halloween puzzle that your kids will love.  Goofy surprised me by how good she was at making these puzzles.

Princess making a scary, Halloween face.

Princess whipped out all seven puzzles in no time flat.

To store them simply wrap a rubber band around each Halloween Popsicle stick puzzle.  You can take these with you on the road (far less mess than a regular puzzle).

Come check out some of the other Halloween activities we are doing!

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1 comment:

  1. I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear. See the link below for more info

