
Friday, September 14, 2012

Pinning with a Purpose

I am an addict.  Yep, that's right.  I am addicted to pinning on Pinterest.  If you haven't discovered the joy that is Pinterest you are missing out.  Not even joking!

As I was happily pinning along one day I asked myself, "Am I actually doing/using any of these things I pin?"  Thus, this blog was born.  I will use this blog to show you the things I have pinned AND used along with my thoughts.  I am not wordy.  I will tell you how it is and hopefully you will be inspired to try something too.  That's the plan.  And so I begin...pinning with purpose.

-I have been married to the love of my life for 7 wonderful years.  I will refer to him as Hubby.  He is a hard worker and a loving dad who loves technology and shooting guns.  

-My hobbies are playing the piano, singing, art, scrapbooking, reading, writing, teaching kids, and I basically like to dabble in everything.

-I love everything Disney.

-Dill pickles are my favorite food.

-Princess is my oldest.  She is 6 and I can hardly believe it!  Her hobbies are reading, dressing up, playing the piano, dancing, and learning everything as quickly as she can.

-Goofy is my 4 year old and we call her Goofy for a reason.  She loves to make people laugh and occasionally get into mischief.  Coloring, singing, dressing up, and playing make-believe are currently her favorite things to do.

-Bud is 2 years old.  I call him my "Mellow Fellow" because he is always so calm and happy.  His big smile lights up a room and melts my heart.  He is turning into quite the tease.  He loves to try to scare family members and hit them with balls, pillows, balloons...whatever he can get his hands on.

There you have it.  Me in a nutshell.

Now let's jump right into trying out some pins!
ABC Quiet Book - LDS
Owl Birthday Party
Bug Preschool Lesson
Agency - FHE Lesson
Homemade Granola
Piano Teaching Tools

Diastasis Recti Exercises (Videos

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