
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Pretty Princess Party - Decorations and Party Games

This last week Princess turned 4 years old.  She wanted to have a princess party (even though she had one last year too).  Last year's party was family only, but this year she invited her friends.  Many of her friends are boys, so it became a prince and princess party.  I forgot to take a picture of her invitations, but they said:

"Hear Ye!  Hear Ye!  Princess Rachel would like to invite you to a Prince and Princess Party."  It then went on to say when, where, etc. and that dressing up was encouraged.

Here she is on the day of her party.

She really is my little princess.

Here is a picture of the party decorations.

When the kids arrived I announced them to the rest of the guests and they walked in down the "royal carpet."

Here is Goofy walking down the carpet.

I got the idea for these balloon flowers from Pinterest.  I tweaked them a little so they would sit on my walls rather than hang from the ceiling.

I got the idea for the tablecloth ceiling decorations from Pinterest also.  Next time I would probably leave the table cloths folded in half and leave more spacing in between like the picture on the site shows.

Once all of the princes and princesses arrived I announced that something terrible had happened.  Cinderella's slipper had been stolen!  We would need to cross the frog swamp and talk to the Frog Prince to find out how to retrieve the slipper.

Here is frog swamp.  The kids were told that they must not step on any of the frogs of the Frog Prince wouldn't talk to us.  They had fun jumping over the frogs in the swamp.

A close up of the Frog Prince.

Here we are crossing frog swamp.

Once we arrived at the Frog Prince I told the kids that the Frog Prince needed princess kisses (pieces of card stock that my daughter had kissed with lipstick) to be able to speak.  Each prince and princess was blindfolded and spun around as many times as they were old.  Then they had to try to get the princess kiss on the Frog Prince's mouth.

The Frog Prince covered in kisses!

The Frog Prince informed us that a dragon had stolen the slipper.  In order to retrieve the slipper we would need to defeat the dragon with weapons.  So we headed to the armory.

In the armory there were swords and wands.

Each prince and princess decorated their weapon with magic jewels.

Such a pretty wand!

Some of the kids really took their time covering every part of their weapon.

The more magic jewels the better.

Doesn't he look ready to fight a dragon?

Before we headed to the dragon's cave I warned the kids that they were not allowed to hit each other with the weapons or they would be taken away.

Now on to fight the ferocious dragon...

Well, as ferocious as Princess' Grandma can get.  I saw these super hero masks on Pinterest and thought that they were a good idea for the dragon's mask.  I made the mask out of foam, glue, glitter, and ribbon.

The dragon growled and blew her bubbly-breath at the kids.

This was by far everyone's favorite part of the party.

When the dragon was defeated (or got tired of blowing bubbles) she gave us Cinderella's slipper along with a prize for each child.

Bubbles, crazy straws, and candy from the dragon.

After our adventure we had presents, cupcakes, and ice cream.  While we waited for the parents to come pick the kids up we had a royal ball.  I would play music and the kids would dance.  When the music turned off they would freeze or fall to the ground.  Many of the kids danced with each other (so cute to watch).

Princess had a wonderful party and told me, "I can't wait until I turn 5!"  I'm pretty sure I can though. 

I found most of the ideas for the princess party games on this site.

More Fun Ideas:
Where's Waldo Cardboard Tunnel
Owl Birthday Party
Movable Mouth Puppets (Video Tutorial)

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