
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

50 Up, 50 Down Workout

Last week I determined to start training for my first 5k.  Check out my original post here.

My goals last week were: 
1. To exercise 4 times a week  
2. To run for 30 min. and see how far I could get  
3.  Eat only one treat a day.

I got a new gym pass and went to the gym for my very first time.  Yes, I know, I'm 25 and finally went to the gym.  I ran/walked a mile my first day.  The next day I ran 1.75 miles.  Then, I admit I didn't get to the gym to run the rest of the week.  However, I did still make my goal of exercising 4 times a week.  I did what I could at home.  I tried out the 50 Up, 50 Down Workout I found on Pinterest.  It works like this:

50 Up, 50 Down Workout 
10 high knees
20 jumping jacks
30 lunges
40 Russian twists
50 jumping rope
40 bird dogs
30 crunches
20 jumping jacks
10 sit ups

Let me tell you, those lunges after the jumping jacks--BRUTAL!  

As for my eating only one treat a day...umm....ya.  I lasted one day.  One.  I'm a sweet tooth and this time of year they come out with candy corns and pumpkins.  Why?!  I will try again the rest of this week and see if I can do better.  I told Princess that if she ever sees me trying to eat a pumpkin or candy corn to take it away from me immediately.  

Here are my training goals for this week:
1. To exercise 4 times a week
2. To run a full 3.1 miles by the end of the week
3. Eat only one treat a day.  (Yep, this one may just kill me, but I'm determined to do it.)  

I am not looking to lose lots of weight.  I just want to be fit.  I hope some of my successes and failures help you to be better than I am.  

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