
Friday, January 18, 2013

ABC Quiet Book (LDS)

I have been wanting to make a personalized quiet book for my kids for quite awhile now.  I wanted something that looked crafty without me having to cut and paste--I know, lazy right?  Pinterest led me to Bits of Everything for the perfect quiet book.  It was exactly what I was looking for!  

The pages are all created for you.  All you have to do is plug in your pictures.  I don't have a Photoshop program on my laptop, so I went to pixlr for this project.  It worked perfectly.  

Some of the pages are complete when you download them.  Here is the page about Jesus:

Other pages have little scriptures and places for your pictures.

You can see the blank page and the one with my girls' pictures.  

Finally, some pages simply have the title, a cute background, and some embellishments.

It is so easy to design these pages to be exactly what you want them to be.  I printed my pages to be 4" x 6". 

If you want to make a quiet book of your own click here: Digital Quiet Book

Thank you Bits of Everything!  I printed out my quiet book today and I am super excited to find a little photo album book to put the pictures into.

More fun with religion:
Kind Words FHE Lesson
General Conference Snack Bowls

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