
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Speaking Kind Words - FHE Lesson

Next month Goofy is going to officially be 2!  I believe she has hit her terrible two's a little early.  She screams, whines, and says, "no" a whole lot more than she used to.  So I decided that this week's Family Home Evening (FHE) lesson would be on Speaking Kindly to each other.

First I read a story called Beanbag Words from The Friend magazine.  (Click on the link to print out the story.)  It basically tells the story of a primary aged girl whose teacher played a beanbag game with them to teach them to say kind words.  Each time they threw the beanbag to a person they would say something nice about that person.

We played Beanbag Words with our family.  It was fun to see their faces light up when something nice about them was said.

After the game I challenged the kids to say something nice to someone each day, to speak softly when you want to yell, and to be forgiving.  I gave them each a little calendar and stickers so they could mark each day they say something nice.

The scripture is Ephesians 4:32 - "Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another."

I have already seen the difference it has made for me.  Whenever I would normally get angry I catch myself, and instead speak softly, but sternly.  It is just as effective as yelling (maybe even more so) and I find it is easier to be patient with my family.

This would make a fun Valentine's lesson for toddlers.  Challenge your kids to be extra loving for the month of February.  Make a monthly calendar for them to put stickers on.  Hopefully you will see a change in your home as well.

Other fun posts:
Book of Mormon Stories Videos
Thankful Turkey Craft


  1. I liked that you said you speak without yelling but still firmly! I agree with you here, its healthy to show your frustration and disappointment while modeling how to stay in control. Cant wait to try this FHE.

    1. Thank you Kay. The speaking firmly instead of yelling is something that I am constantly working on. I hope your kids enjoy the FHE. Let me know how it goes.

  2. I came upon your blog on Pinterest, I was searching for a Kindness FHE as my boys (5 and 2) have really started to yell and to be mean to one another. Reading your sweet lesson and gentle reminders on kindness (especially for me as the mom) made me a little teary (I'm sure it's partly my pregnancy hormones), but I'm so grateful for your blog post to remind ME to speak gently. We will be using your Kindness FHE in our home tonight. Thank you!

    1. I appreciate your kind words Raylene. This lesson is a good reminder for me as well. I lose my temper with my children far too often it seems. Good luck with the lesson and congrats on baby #3!

  3. Thank you, we are doing this tonight! Sounds like a great way to start February!

    1. Thank you Brittney. I hope your family enjoys the lesson.
