
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Lucky to Have a Testimony - FHE Lesson

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Growing up, St. Patrick's Day was just a day to make sure you wore green or you got pinched.  Being the holiday-lover that I am, I wanted to make it a little bit more special.  This year it happens to fall on Monday.  The best part of all Mondays is family home evening.  I thought I'd share a short, festive lesson that you can use with your family.

I started off the lesson by asking: What is a testimony?  After a couple of answers, I read this quote:

"[A testimony] is a gift of the Spirit, a witness from the Holy Ghost that certain concepts are true."
-President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

After a brief explanation of what that meant, I showed the children a sign that said, "I am lucky to have a testimony of the gospel."  I explained that we are so lucky as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to have the full restored gospel.  

I gave them each member of the family a four leaf clover and a pencil.  I asked them to either write down their testimony, write a few words of gospel principles that make up their testimony, or draw a picture of something they have a testimony of and know to be true.  

Bud had fun coloring his clover.

Goofy "wrote" her testimony in the only way she knows how - zig-zag scribbles.

Princess opted to write all of the words of her testimony.


Bud had a blast using a pencil.  He loves to color.

All done!

Once everyone had finished we returned to the living room.  I explained that your testimony can be strengthened when you share it and as you share it you strengthen others' testimonies as well.  We talked about when you can share your testimony.  We came to the conclusion that you can share it anytime, it doesn't have to be a formal thing.

We also discussed how to share a testimony in church.  I invited everyone to share the testimony they wrote down on their clover if they desired to do that.  The kids enjoyed standing at the pulpit (a.k.a. standing behind the piano bench) and sharing their testimony.  

If there's one main thing I learned from this lesson, it is that I feel the spirit when my children share the things they know to be true.  Their goodness guides me and helps me want to be a better mother every day.  

I am truly lucky!

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