
Monday, March 17, 2014

Pi Day Pistachio Pie

I will take any excuse to eat pie, and Pi Day is the perfect excuse!

Naturally, because St. Patrick's day is only three days after Pi Day, I had to make a green pie.  Make your own simple pistachio pie and homemade graham cracker crust.

All you will need is a package a of pistachio pudding, milk, 1 package of graham crackers, 1 stick of butter, and a pie pan.

Graham Cracker Pie Crust
1 pkg. graham crackers
1 stick butter, melted

Grind the graham crackers in the a food processor or blender.  Dump into a bowl.  Pour the melted butter over the top and combine until the graham cracker pieces stick together.  Spray a pie pan with non-stick spray, and gently pat the graham cracker crust in place.

Pistachio Pie Filling (Directions on the pudding package)
1 pkg. pistachio pudding
1 1/2 c milk

Stir pudding and milk together in a bowl.  Quickly pour into the prepared pie crust.  Refrigerate until you're ready to serve.

What kind of pie did you have for pi day?

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