
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

My Little Lady Turned 3!

Guess who turned 3!

That's right!  It's my beautiful little Goofy.  This girl is so sweet, silly, and sensitive to other's feelings.  I love her to pieces!

She surprised me when she told me she wanted a ladybug-themed birthday party.  This girl HATES bugs (ants especially).  But, on her birthday her wish is my command.  So ladybugs it was.

I always hang a little something from the ceiling outside of the kids' bedroom door on their birthday.  It is such an exciting way for them to start the day.

I woke up to this.  Goofy had pulled a chair from her room so that she could stand on it and play with the ladybug balloons.

Like the curious little girl she is, she had already wandered downstairs to see the decorations.  She found the ladybug ring I left at her place at the table.

Boy was she excited to have a new ring!  I probably didn't need to give her anything else.

Here is what she found when she came downstairs.

All of the decorations were very simple, but I was pleased with how they turned out (especially considering we had only gotten home from Disneyland two days before the party).

I don't usually buy special decorations from the store.  It's more fun for me to make my own, but I saw these hats and napkins in Zurchers and fell in love with them.

A happy birthday girl enjoying her breakfast.

Ladybugs crawling on the entertainment center!

Here's a closer look at a ladybug balloon.  I just used Sharpie marker - nothing fancy like her owl balloons the previous year, but she loved them.

I put a red and black streamer on each door in the house.  They made it feel festive anywhere you walked.

Time to party!  Everyone was a good sport about wearing the party hats.  Really, who could resist the red and black cuteness?

Goofy was spoiled rotten (as is typical for every birthday).

Time for cake!  This one was really simple to make: stack two, 9-inch cakes, frost them (I used my favorite Vanilla Butter recipe for the red and store-bought chocolate frosting dyed black), add Hershey's drops and you're done!  You could add white chocolate chip eyes if you like.  I was pleased both with how simple this cake was and how well it turned out.

Make a wish!

Everybody loves cake!

It's SO good mom!

Here are the signs of a good time.  Poor little ladybug all chopped up.

Happy birthday my sweet Goofy.  I don't know what I'd do without you!

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