
Thursday, March 13, 2014

Is Gluten-Free the Way to Be?

My sister started a health challenge a few weeks ago and invited me to join.  You find a partner so you have someone to cheer you on and keep you going.  It's a good thing too.  If my practically-perfect mom wasn't my partner I probably would have given up by now.

In this challenge I am not allowed to have white wheat.  Yikes!  I don't know how all of you gluten-free people do it.  But, I have learned that 1) it can be done and 2) there are lots of tasty gluten-free recipes.

This single-serve wheat applesauce muffin is one of them.


I found the recipe from Spark Recipes, adapted it to what I had on hand, and whipped up five of them for my family to try.  (My poor family gets to be my recipe guinea pigs.)  Hubby said the texture was more like sponge cake than a muffin.  I'm still wondering why that is a problem.  Who doesn't love sponge cake?

The kids raved about them and asked if we could have them again tomorrow.

Princess kept saying, "I LOVE this!"

I turned my back to Bud for one minute and his was gone.  He sits next to me and whined all through dinner unless I shared mine with him.

Overall, this recipe was a success.  I will have no hesitation making one of these muffins for myself for a delicious, healthy breakfast.

Single-Serve Wheat Applesauce Muffin
(Adapted from Spark Recipes)
2 t old fashioned oats
3 t flax
4 t milk
3 t wheat flour
2 t brown sugar
2 t unsweetened applesauce
2 egg whites
1/4 t baking powder
1/4 t cinnamon
1 t Splenda

Mix all ingredients together in a microwave-safe mug sprayed with nonstick cooking spray.  Microwave for 1 1/2 minutes.  Allow to cool slightly and enjoy!

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  1. sounds interesting.. I'm not really a sponge cake fan either :)

    1. I'm sure the texture will be the deciding factor. Either you'll like it or you won't. But I thought it tasted great!
