
Saturday, March 1, 2014

"Thinking of You" Heart Game - Made by Kids

This Valentine's Day we had a Mystery Dinner and I decorated the table with sparkly little hearts.  After dinner, Princess asked if she could have the hearts.  I said yes and didn't think much of it.

The next day I started finding these little hearts all over the house.  When I asked Princess about it she said, "I want to let everyone in the family know that I am thinking of them by leaving them a heart to find."

I never knew where I'd find a heart next.

Sometimes they'd be in obvious places...

Other times I was surprised - the refrigerator of all places!

I caught Princess sneaking a heart into Goofy's coat pocket.

I found one in my jacket.

We all started to join in on the fun.  When I found a heart I'd hide it somewhere for Princess to find.  It helped us keep a nice feeling in our home.  We were more thoughtful, more kind, and more loving.

You could use this idea for a family home evening to teach love at home.

Sometimes it takes the genius of a child to remind me what is most important.

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