
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

General Conference Topics Nail Painting

"These are your days to stand strong as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ." - Neil L. Andersen

General conference has come and gone.  How are you doing at applying the messages in your own life?

Out of all of the activities I have ever done to keep my kids engaged while watching general conference, this was by far my girls' favorite - not to mention that it was super cheap and easy!  I pulled out three bottles of nail polish and put a topic on each bottle.

Whenever my girls heard one of the words, I would paint one of their nails.

Here are Princess' and my toes.  Lovely, aren't they?  I am hoping that my strangely painted toenails might give me a chance to have a missionary opportunity by sharing what I heard at conference with someone.  They also serve as a reminder of what I heard and felt each day that I see them.

What are your favorite general conference activities?

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