
Friday, January 4, 2013

New Year's Countdown

This year I had no New Year's party to attend, so I decided to do something fun at home for my kids.  My kids are still pretty young and get super grumpy after 10:00 PM.  I set all of the clocks in the house ahead two hours so they thought it was midnight when it was actually 10:00 PM.

It worked like a charm.  They didn't suspect a thing, and the hubby and I  got two extra hours to relax together.  

I had seen this cute New Year's countdown on Pinterest and decided to give it a try.  I filled balloons with different activities for the kids to do.  We started at 6:00 PM (according to the clocks in the house) and went until midnight.  

Here are the balloons all filled and hanging from the banister.  

The kids were super excited.

The first balloon told us to get dressed up and get our nails painted for our family New Year's party.  My kids love dressing up!

Such pretty girls.

Sparkly purple nails.  Princess just loves getting her nails painted.

The 7:00 balloon said to make some Fire-y French Toast.  I made my usual French Toast recipe, but I added food coloring and swirled it.  This made the French Toast look colorful like fireworks.  The picture above shows this best.

I then stuck a candle in the French Toast.  (I think it would have been fun to put Sparklers in them, but I didn't have any on hand.)

I told Princess to make a New Year's wish and blow out the candle.


So tasty!

8:00 - time to decorate homemade party hats.

Princess didn't want me to see until she was all done.

Daddy and Princess rocking their hats.

Goofy doesn't hold still, so this is the best picture of her I could get.  I love the little colorful swirls she drew.

Cute Bud in his Party hat.

9:00 - Time to write New Year's resolutions.  We wrote down 3 resolutions and stuck them in a box.  We also wrote down one Gift to Give to Jesus at Christmas.  It is something we can work on every day.  On Christmas we will open the box and read our gifts and see how we did.  

Goofy writing her resolutions (okay, they were just swirls).

Happy Bud.  He loves watching all of the fun.

Princess writing down her Gift to Jesus.

I will leave the box somewhere visible so we will see it every day.

10:00 - Time for party games.  We played Perfection (one of my favorites when I was a kid).  I chose to play it because it pops and explodes just like fireworks.

Hurry, hurry, hurry!  The time is almost up!

Whew!  Made it just in time.

I caught this picture right as the game popped.  Goofy jumped every time.

11:00 - We had a New Year's toast.  Here's the set up: glasses of milk with chocolate and sprinkles around the edges to jazz them up, cookies, and chocolate to dip them into.

So excited!

Daddy and Princess making a toast.

I think Goofy would love it if every cup of milk had chocolate and sprinkles around the edges.

Mommy and Princess making a toast.

Messy face!

Having so much fun.

Time for the countdown to the last balloon.

The countdown is almost done.

12:00 (midnight) - Time to bang some pots and pans and make lots of noise.  I told Princess that she could be as loud as she wanted and boy was she excited!

Here we are yelling, "Happy New Year!" and banging our pans at the front door.  (We let the neighbors know we would be making noise 2 hours early so they wouldn't be confused or annoyed.)

They marched around the house banging their pans.

Goofy threw her hands in the air and yelled, "Happy New Year!" as often as she could.  After all was said and done Princess ran up to me, hugged me, and said, "Thanks, mom, for all the fun!"  Hearing that made everything worth it.

Happy New Year Everyone!

Here's the French Toast Recipe I used for the Fire-y French Toast:

French Toast
2 T sugar
1 egg
¼ t vanilla
Dash nutmeg
6 slices of bread
½ c milk
1 t oil or melted butter
Dash salt

Preheat waffle iron.  Lightly grease it with shortening.  In shallow, flat dish beat eggs with milk, sugar, salt, oil, and nutmeg.  Put bread slices in egg mixture and let stand a few seconds and turn other side to moisten.  Drain bread and place in waffle iron.  Bake for 5 min or until golden brown.  Pieces may be cooled and frozen-then toasted before serving in toaster.

*For Fire-y French Toast put in a few drops of food coloring and swirl with a fork. Dip bread into mixture, then cook on the griddle.

Check out some of these fun exercises to help you with your resolutions this year:
Popsicle Stick Workout
Dice Workout

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