
Friday, June 14, 2013

Healthy Cookie Dough

I have seen a recipe floating around Pinterest for Healthy Cookie Dough by Chocolate-Covered Katie.  Whenever I saw it I was skeptical.  After I clicked on it and saw the ingredients that went into it I was even more skeptical.  "There's no way it would taste like cookie dough!" I thought.

I had to try it!

Nighttime is when I splurge.  After a long, tiring day with kids I like to sit down, watch a movie, and snack.  Not on good stuff either.  I love chocolate covered raisins, marshmallows, and suckers.  But, I whipped up a batch of this "cookie dough," grabbed a graham cracker and tried it out...

Holy cow!  This stuff is amazing!  It tasted just like cookie dough.  I couldn't believe it!  I felt more guilt eating the crackers than the dip.

My husband came downstairs and asked what I was making.  I told him I was making healthy cookie dough.  He said, "Then it probably tastes like cardboard."  I made him grab a cracker and taste it.

After one bite he said, "This is not healthy."

"Yeah, it is!" I exclaimed.  I told him all of the ingredients that went into it and he was shocked.

In case you were wondering by now, the main ingredient is chickpeas!

Hubby gives this recipe a thumbs up (which is a lot coming from him).

My kids devoured it the next day.  I didn't tell them it was healthy (aren't I sneaky?).

Thank you Chocolate-Covered Katie for helping curb my sweet tooth!  If you need a healthy dessert her site is the place to go!  It's fabulous!

Healthy Cookie Dough
1 can chickpeas, drain well
1/8 plus 1/16 t salt
Tiny bit over 1/8 t baking soda
2 t vanilla extract
1/4 c peanut butter
Up to 1/4 c milk if needed
1/4 c agave nectar (you can add a little sugar if you think it's necessary)
1/3 c semi-sweet chocolate chips
2-3 t oats

Add all ingredients (except chocolate chips) to a food processor.  (I used a blender and it worked just fine.)  Then, mix in the chocolate chips.  If made and blended correctly it should have the texture of real cookie dough.  

Enjoy!  You won't be disappointed.  

More on this site:
Healthy Egg McMuffins
Popsicle Stick Workout
A Healthy Image of Our Bodies

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