
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Scripture Reading Update #2

We made it!...through 2 Nephi that is.  For anyone who has read the Book of Mormon you know that is a feat.  Especially with young kids!

According to our Book of Mormon Reading Chart that means ice cream for the family.

To make it special we took the kids out for ice cream and let them pick the flavors.  Princess chose cotton candy and was pretty excited that it was her favorite color--pink!  It even had sprinkles!

Goofy chose Rootbeer.  I think she would have been happy with anything.  

We sneaked a couple of bites to Bud.  He loves ice cream!

My kids practically beg me to do our scripture reading each night--even when we come home super late.  I love that they are truly excited to read the Book of Mormon.

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  1. We started doing this too, and it really has been great! We're a few chapters from the end of 2nd Nephi.

    1. That's awesome! Way to go to you and your cute family.
