
Thursday, November 7, 2013

D is for Dill Pickle Preschool Lesson

D is for dill pickle.  I realize I could have used other more common food options--like donuts--but I wanted to teach about the color green.  Plus, dill pickles are my favorite food in the whole, wide world and I will take any chance I can get to eat one.  Enough said.

D is for Dill Pickle
Letter of the Day: D
Color of the Day: Green
Number of the Day: 3
Shape of the Day: Rectangle

Letter Sounds Practice: I showed Goofy a letter D page that I printed from Your Printable PDF.  We practiced saying, "D says 'duh' like dad."  At first, Goofy wanted to say 'buh,' but she figured it out after a couple times practicing.

Writing and Color Practice: After our sound practice, I gave Goofy the letter D page as well as some toothpicks.  I had her practice making the letter D shape using the toothpicks.

Here's her final result.  I thought she did pretty well.

When she was done with the toothpicks I gave her a green crayon.  I explained it was the color green and let her color her letter D.  She wanted to add some orange after a little while.

Science Experiment (Exploring the Color Green and Counting to 3): I decided to do a little science experiment I found on Preschool Alphabet with Goofy to help her learn about the color green.  For the experiment you will need vinegar, baking soda, a plate, blue and yellow food coloring, a clear cup, a medicine dropper, and something to stir with (we used a butter knife).

This is your basic baking soda and vinegar experiment.  I poured vinegar into the cup.  Next, we counted as I added 3 drops of yellow food coloring to the vinegar.  We reviewed the color yellow.  I put in a drop of blue food coloring and let Goofy stir it together.  She was amazed when it turned green!

I poured baking soda onto the plate.  We sucked some of the green vinegar up into the medicine dropper.  We counted to three as she added drops onto the baking soda.  She LOVED the bubbles!

I let her go to town putting drops all over the baking soda.

Shape Practice: The shape of the day was rectangle.  I showed her a rectangle.  Here's a fun Rectangle Page from twistynoodle that you can let your child color.  I explained that rectangles have 2 long sides and 2 short sides that are even in length.

Food Activity:  I am excited to share this food activity with you.  It happens to be one of my all-time favorite appetizers to serve.  Hope you like it!  You'll need dill pickles cut into spears, ham lunch meat, cream cheese, toothpicks, and a knife.

Spread the cream cheese evenly on top of the lunch meat.

Ta da!  Don't forget to point out that the lunch meat is a rectangle.

Place a nice GREEN pickle spear on the edge of the lunch meat.

Roll it up!

Cut into bite sized pieces.

Place toothpicks in each piece of pickle.

Try to eat just one!

After Goofy scarfed up the first plate full (with a little help from me) we made another one.

Yep, they are THAT good!

If you missed the other lessons, don't fret.  Here they are:
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