
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Valentine's Day Clothespin Countdown

My kids are just like me in so many ways.  They look forward to decorating and celebrating anything.  After New Year's Princess asked me, "Mom, what holiday comes next?"  When I told her it was Valentine's Day she literally jumped for joy.  I knew her next question would be, "How many days until Valentine's Day?"

Last year we made a Heart Paper Chain Valentine's Day Countdown.  I don't like to do the exact same thing each year.  Gotta spice things up right?  So this year I did a different take on a Valentine's Day countdown.

Clothespin Valentine's Day Countdown

Materials Needed:
Valentine's Day Countdown Printables (at the bottom of this post)
Ribbon (a little more than 2 ft.)

My kids are still working on their scissor skills.  Cutting out the countdown gave them a change to practice using scissors correctly and efficiently.  Princess was in charge of cutting out the big heart.

All done!

Goofy helped me cut out the ribbon and...

Tape it to the back of the large heart.

The girls attached the hearts to the ribbon using clothespins.

We did our countdown by date, but you could do it like a typical countdown with #1 starting closest to the large Valentine's Day heart.

Nearly done.

Finished!  And don't they look proud of themselves?

I hung it up in their room so that they could see it every morning and night.

They always get so excited at bedtime when I tell them it's time to take another heart off of the countdown.

My girls love to take off the clothespin and watch the heart flutter to the ground before scooping it up.

Here are the printables so that you can make your own Valentine's Day countdown.  I made them on PicMonkey.  If you haven't ever used PicMonkey for picture editing or creating your own visuals you don't know what you're missing.  It will change your picture editing life!  

Simply save the pictures to your computer, print them, and cut them out.  It's that easy!  

Happy Valentine's Day!

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